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Maggie: 6 Years old: What does air taste like?

May 26, 2023


Anyone who knows you, knows you love four things Jesus, Dogs, your family, and giving people a hard time. And I kind of believe I have them in the correct order. I could be wrong. But I think like this if any of those things were across the street and you wanted to visit them you would totally leave a dog for Jesus. And you have many times left your family in mid conversation to go pet a dog. Animals just love you. I say you’re a dog person. But thats just because no one is having cat parties that I know about. But if there were you would totally want to attend. Rocky, our almost 18 year old siamese cat, who used to sleep on my head now sleeps with you every chance he gets. He loves being tucked in by you.

So with that there was no question that we had to go visit Aunt Angie and Uncle Ken’s house where they dog sit. You are in your glory there. You often ask to visit them. And now have concocted a plan that we spend the night with the dogs there and with Aunt Angie and Uncle Ken. They don’t know what a kid attraction they have going there. We had to visit there and take some of your 6 year old pictures.

(If anyone ever needs a dog sitter you can contact me for Angie’s information. She is amazing and the dogs love going there. Layla came with us today and played so much she is currently passed out in her crate snoring. Anyone who knows Layla knows laying down and being still isn’t, well, her favorite. She’s a very active dog. Kind of Maggie in a dog form. There is my plug for Angie she has a beautiful backyard and wonderful accommodations for the dogs to really enjoy their time away.)

My little Maggie and her sass-itude. Thats what I would call it when you have sass and attitude all in one. My Maggie is gifted in this. She also likes to lead bands of children her age/ classrooms of kids in the truth if the sky is blue and which way is up or down. She will argue her point even when she knows she is wrong until she is blue in the face. Then argue that her face couldn’t possibly be blue because blue isn’t a color. Oh and what does air taste like? She has been doing a study on the taste of air and other common things that you wouldn’t think have flavors. Honestly I can say I had not thought about the flavor of air, I neglected it in my own mind I guess. And I am guessing you also have.

Let’s see how our year has gone. I think I can sum it all up into our hair problems. See Maggie is one who will see everyone else in the house get their hair cut and then start asking for a hair cut of her own. Bugging us daily to cut her hair. Just the pieces that she holds in front of her face when she is demonstrating what needs to be cut. You know, just here Mom. So what does any sane person do eventually. You cut her hair. “Only where she showed me”, then evening it out the rest of the way around her head. Maybe at the most 2 inches. We finish she looks in the mirror, I hold my breath. She hates it. Mind you it looks the exact same, just no split ends and it isn’t crazy to your butt long. Where you sit on it. Ok maybe I am over exaggerating a tiny bit. But still. She then looks down, because I totally imagined it could get worse. She starts to cry and say what have you done Mom thats not what I said. Ok the first time was tramatic, but then it all happened again. Even when I reminded her of our past “hair cut issues”. She still insisted that I do it, and I do the same thing. But it always ends the same. Her crying and wondering why I took off so much. You might be wondering where could I possibly be going with this. Well recently she has been telling everyone, and I mean EVERYONE that she wants a mohawk. Can you imagine? I can’t tape the hair back on. Maggie you are bold but you are not getting a mohawk, sorry.

Yesterday I got a video from your kindergarten teacher. She loves you so much. In the video you talk about “Jesus Bread” and communion. You’re so sweet and matter of fact about it. “You know in communion when they say the body of Jesus”. We all do now Maggie. You’re always spreading the love of Jesus, and most of the time you don’t even realize you’re doing it. Mommy and Daddy are so Proud of you. We love you so much! And Jesus loves you.

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  1. May 26, 2023 1:28 pm

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